We have had a busy week! The girls had a field trip to jj jump {had a great time and thankfully no barfing this time...long story} It is really hard to get a decent picture at that place...so I don't have any to share...sorry. There was a little hiccup before the fun started though. The person that runs the venue forgot that she had a ton of kids coming...so...since it was pouring down rain we had to hang in the car until she arrived. We made the best out of it :)
The girls missed gymnastics last week since little one was under the weather, so we did our make up class yesterday afternoon. I love watching them...I always end up laughing out loud cause they are so darn~it cute!
Today was spent running errands, another gymnastics class, and school...pheeeewww! Grammy and Papa came for a yummy dinner plus we had an extra visitor...my handsome nephew! We had a great night!
Those 2 girls are SO darn cute!